Test post

دُنیاءے اسلام کے زوال کی بڑی بڑی وجوہات میں سے ایک بہت بڑی وجہ فقہی مساءل میں اءمہءِ فقہ کا باہمی اختلاف بھی ہے۔ اگرچہ ان اءمتہ اربعہ نے فقہی…

Question 3

When Allah creates and kill one as unbliever as he has said in the holy qur’an that he has created innumerable gins and human beings for hell then why does he put them in the hell? What is there fault?

Question 2

Why should we pray when pardon depends upon by the will of Allah?

The answer to this question is found in three types of verses in the Holy Qur’an. One in which orders for prayers have been given. Second in which promise has been given for pardon to God-fearing persons. Third, in which Allah says that He will pardon those whom He wishes.

Question 1

Why should we work when every thing is done by the will of Allah?

There is no doubt that in the Holy Qur’an there are at least eighty verses which say that nothing happens without the will of Allah. Whatever happens, takes place with the will of Allah. But in the same Holy Qur’an there are more than 60 verses in which Allah has ordered: “Act, act, and act well” Try” as there is nothing else for you.

Zones Of Paradise

Beyond Araaf the worlds of heavens begin. The first one is Alam-i-Malakoot. It has 36 zones each of which is better and better than the preceding ones. Beyond Malakoot is Alam-i-jabaroot and still beyond it is Alam-i-Lahoot. Both of them have eighteen zones each and each of which is superior to its preceding zones as regards structures and possessions, vastness and magnificence, greenery and vegetation and purity, beauty and grace.

Zones Of Hell

This has been narrated that coinciding with our material world is the world of Hells. According to my investigation there are 72 zones in this world of which a few zones in the beginning are deserts without vegetation and wilderness and burnt out and dry mountains, dreadful forest, fountains and lakes of boiling water, volcanic fountains and valleys full of fire.

Forty Hadith Qudsi

Hadith Qudsi 1:
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:
When Allah decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him: My mercy prevails over my wrath.

The Holy QU’RAAN

This is a book revealed by Allah which has been sent for the guidance of the entire humanity and which has been revealed to the Prophet Muhammad(Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) through angel Gebreil. It is continuing in its pristine purity since the days it was revealed and without any change of any kind, is safe and sound and will continue to do so till eternity as Allah himself has promised to protect it. What is in this Holy Book?


The fifth thing which gives proof of existence of the society and benefit of organization to individual is “Action”. The action for society is similar to movement of a living body. If a living body remain without movement from birth to death and remains at the same place for thousand of years it can not be said to be “alive”. The Holy Quran has looked upon with contempt idleness, laziness and inactivity. Hence the revered companions of the Prophet did not allow such habits to grow among them. After them also Muslims led a very active life. As long as they maintained the life of active habits they were ahead of all the nations of the world. When they gave in to inactivity and came to standstill other nations marched ahead of them. In order to give stimulant to the habit of action some aim as well as ideal is essential.


The meaning of obedience is to carry out orders. As he bringing up to any child or individual is not possible unless he obeys his parents, teachers or guides similarly no society or nation can be well organized and wielded together unless every member offers unstinted support to his leaser. Suppose a General is ordering through his officer to march ahead; attack the left flank, attack right and now retreats slowly etc., etc.