In order to keep any group well-knit and disciplined their third requirement is Organization. The Holy Quran says: “O you who believe be patient and vie in endurance and remain steadfast and be careful of your duty to Allah that you may be successful(Chapter Al-Imran, verse 199).

The meaning of Organizations that there should be mutual contact and coherence among all sections of the group as best as possible and none remains unaware of the condition of any section any time. The fact is that human beings are different in their emotions, conditions, necessities and wants. Therefore in every society or nation there come into existence many groups or sections which adopt different professions and craft. Every section among them is interdependent of an from their professional point of view serve the needs of the entire society. Hence if there is not mutual contact and understanding among its different sections, it may lead to disorder in the society and it loses its grip. Therefore will-knit organization for any powerful society is as essential as perfect faith and unity.

The only way of organization in any nation or society is to organize all its smaller sections into central organization which should be their watch-dogs and protectors. They should keep themselves well-informed about their problems and difficulties and tackle them and can take word from them. All these centers should have a central organization which should guard the interest of all these sectional organization. It should keep them under and should and should take word them. The nation will be stronger as much as the central organization is popular among the sections of the people. From the days of the Holy Prophet till the time of Hazrat Omar the secret of unprecedented popularity was due to the unstinted faith of every man and every section of the people constituting the nation, nay all were so much devoted to it.

Considering the organizational needs of the nation keeping this factor in view the Islamic worship, prayers and the pilgrimage to Makkah have been organized on such a pattern that if they are always kept in view the organizational pattern becomes discernible automatically. Now remains its fulfillment and decorum. This can be done even by leaders of ordinary capacity and caliber keeping in view the prevalent circumstance and requirements with a little amendment and adoption. How prayers and pilgrimage to Makkah give a broad outline of organizational setup will be described in the chapter on worship. Suffice it say that the international organization of the Muslim world can be done in this way that each nation becomes united and powerful and, in turn, is tied to a central organization which may be located either in Makkah or Madinah Munnawara. The leader of the centre should be elected by the Muslim States.

He should have a working committee which should include member of all the Muslim States. All the disputes and differences of Muslim States should be resolved and settled through this centre on the principles of arbitration and whenever there is any danger of any Muslim State of foreign intervention the centre should arrange its defense and safeguard. I am writing these things but I am feeling ashamed as such a thinking, in modern times, has no practical meaning and purpose. I can not help believing that the time is not far off when the Muslim world will rise and take its stand and our dream will take definite shape and significance. However, the beauty of any organization lies in such perfection that it should keep itself informed about the need and difficulties of each and every member of the society and should come to its aid. Now the fourth principle that is obedience.